Student Guide to a Successful Course Registration

Graphic by Eyal Tamir

Renee Lu
Features Reporter

Course registration has always been a stressful time of the year, especially with the added pressure to take harder classes in South’s competitive environment. Students always have questions about the best path to take. For instance, how many honors classes should students take? Should students continue to take a world language? What electives look the best on a college application?

Creating a balanced schedule is essential to having a successful year of learning. When selecting courses, students should consider how many extracurricular commitments they have, as well as not overwhelming themselves by leaving time for sleep and spending time with friends and family. 

“A balanced schedule is one where a student has time to fit in the things that are important to them and take pleasure in their life at the moment as well,” said Ms. Choi.

As “prestigious” colleges and universities become more selective, students will often overwork themselves with all honors/AP classes. For many students, this can cause an unhealthy amount of stress. 

Newton South guidance counselors recommend students take at most three honors/AP level classes, as these classes can be time-consuming. When deciding which honors classes a student should take, they should consider their future career path, what their passions are, and suggestions from teachers, guidance counselors, and parents.

World language classes are often dropped during a student’s high school career because they are not a graduation requirement. However, Ms. Choi strongly recommends taking a world language at some point. Additionally, most colleges require two years of a world language in high school. Students should consider either continuing the language they began to learn in middle school or starting to learn a new language.

Linked classes are another option students can consider when selecting courses. Newton South offers three linked programs: DaVinci, New Media, and Global Communities. In these mixed-level classes, teachers across multiple subjects collaborate to relate what students learn in one class to the other. 

“Students who benefit most from linked classes are those who want to try and develop relationships with a smaller number of peers for a longer period of time,” said Ms. Choi. In linked classes, students will have the same class for multiple subjects. 

Recommendations are also an important part of course selection. Though students may know what level of class they want to take next year, it is still important to talk to a teacher and get their input. 

Teachers know students’ “work habits, attendance, ability to persist through challenges, level of independence, [and] ability to ask for help,” said Ms. Choi. Teachers also have a better sense of how hard and rigorous each class level is and have experience deciding where students should go.

Course registration is an important part of student success. Choosing courses is not easy, but students must remember to save time for extracurricular activities, family and friends, and sleep. At the end of the day, students should ​​prioritize their happiness over taking classes to impress college admissions officers.